For some reason both Rick and I both got antsy about taking down our Christmas decorations early this year. We generally leave them up until after New Years, but maybe we put them up so early this year, that we were just plain sick and tired of them. I love lots of decorations, but I must admit, it can be a bit much sometimes!
It was a BIG job - took Rick the better part of the day and I very much appreciate him tackling it on his own. Anyway, all is back to normal now!
The week has been fairly quiet for us - Monday we popped into Ottawa to visit with Ginny-Lynn in the afternoon and then with Phil and Janet for the evening. Great visits!! If I am going to make a resolution at all this year - it will be to get out of the house more often to see people - we do tend to become a house bound. Oh yeah, and exercise more too......
We were up to Matawatchan on Tuesday afternoon to take down one of my signs on a property that was sold. On the way down Matawatchan Road (which was VERY icy) we were flagged down by a family of 5 from Toronto who had just put their van in the ditch. The ditch was very deep and the van was pretty well perpendicular - sitting on it's back end with the nose pointing skyward. No one was hurt and the day was very mild, but not a lot of traffic on that road and not a lot of year-round homes to call a tow truck from(it goes without saying that cell phones do NOT work in that part of the country)
They opted to stay with the van while Rick and I drove on down the road intending to stop at one of the small local stores to place the call- which we found were closed for the season! We finally stopped at a house, where luckily the owner was a member of the local volunteer fire department. Soon we had a couple of the volunteer guys on site helping out and then the biggest helper came along - a farmer heading off to go ice fishing. He & the "boys" quickly sized up the situation and it was decided no tow truck was required. Instead the farmer went back to get his John Deere tractor. He had the van out in about 2 minutes - it was quite something to see! So, all ended well, no damage to the van and the van owner was quick to offer a huge thank you and a "contribution" to the old farmer with the tractor, which would see him with a case of beer for his troubles. Again, I must say I was most impressed with the power of the John Deere - I should mention that Rick wants one now!
The mild weather seems to be helping real estate - several calls today to show houses and a new listing for Monday - always nice to start the year off busy!
Todays pictures are from Christmas - Kris and Buddy openeing a present and Nibbles enjoying some wrapping paper.