well, it was a weird weather day today - it was heavily over-cast all day and looked like it was about to rain at any minute - BUT, it never did. I hear they had hail in Eganville this afternoon - glad we missed that.
Rick and I just kinda chilled today - Rick washed the cars and tidied the garage at bit - bugs are horrendous!!! Saturday we were showing waterfront properties and while it wasn't too bad close to the water where there was a breeze, but back off the water a bit and you got eaten alive. I tend to (a) attract mosquitoes and (b) get enormous welts when bitten. Therefore I tend to stay inside at this time of year as much as possible!
We did list a terrific little house on Golden Lake a couple of weeks ago - cute as a bugs ear - and totally renovated (they added a basementIKEA kitchen etc.,) it's a long way from home to show, but this time of year the drive is nice.
I should mention that Kris has planted one heck of a vegetable garden in the back yard - I can't believe the work he's put into it. First he dug up a patch of ground about 30 x 30, then he borrowed a roto-tiller and tilled it, then he got some good soil, then he built a fence around it to keep out the varmints, added a gate and this weekend he planted corn, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots etc. He certainly seems to enjoy it - between the heat and the bugs, it's not for me - I'll buy from the local farmers market - but I'm looking forward to some of the produce from Kris' garden this summer.
I just checked the weather - it's only supposed to go up to 10 degrees tomorrow - chilly!
Several posts ago, I think I mentioned all the solar panels we're seeing in the area - small, home-owner type systems as people take advantage of the Green Energy Act letting them sell their electricity for a LOT of money. I said at the time that I doubted the provincial government did this just to promote "green energy" at a grass roots level. I think I was right - google Samsung wind power - there are 4 wind farms slated to go up in Ontario after Samsung cut a deal with the provincial government- details of the deal are "secret". hmmmmmm.......
Once again, I'm not against green energy, I always thought this was more about money for some large corporations than it was about green energy.
Okay - that's it for now - today's picture is one Rick took down the road at the old Ross Mineview Public School which is now a helicopter repair plant. They mostly re-build engines so we don't often see a whole helicopter but this week they had this one out and running a couple of times.