I'm guessing she's about 7 weeks old. She's eating wet kitten food without any problems and appears to be quite healthy. The fact that she's comfortable around people and that she was all by herself makes us think she either got lost OR she got dropped off. And Kris might as well hang a sign around his neck saying "need a home? call Kris"
Anyway, she has settled in quite nicely (for those trying to keep count - this makes 5 cats) although the older cats are rather grumpy about the entire situation. They run away from her - which just makes her chase them more! Nibbles spent the morning sleeping in a tree. Missy is pretty good around her - but then Missy was the "put-upon" cat, so she seems to be a bit more sympathetic to "new cat syndrome". Buddy, on the other hand, feels that a serious mistake has been made and he's been sulking....a LOT.
To be honest we haven't actually named her yet. I started calling her Baby (for obvious reasons) which has sort of become B-B which Rick says is dumb. So, if anyone can think of a more appropriate name, feel free to pass it along. She's off to visit the vet tomorrow and it would be nice if she had a nice name.