Friday, August 14, 2009

some weather, eh???

Another VERY warm day -30 plus with high humidity. I must admit I prefer the mid 20's for the ideal temp.

They say hot weather is supposed to kill off the mosquitos - I can only hope - but, I guarantee you, if even ONE mosquito is left standing, it will find me like a heat-seeking missle!

I spent a busy day in the office today- Friday is ad day - the day I get my listings organized to go into the weekly newspaper. Funny, before I ever got into real estate, I used to read property descriptions and think "I can do waaaaay better than THAT" - but when faced with the task of trying to come up with new descriptions to keep the ads fresh, it is more difficult than one might think.

Last night Rick and I went out to Mt. St. Patrick to list a lovely old log home on a huge parcel of land - hard to imagine crowded cities are only an hour away when one is standing in the middle of 200 acres of bush! We had a very nice drive there and back in the Mustang - top down all the way!!!!

Rick continues to work on the house - his latest project is Kris's old bedroom - which is getting the carpet taken out and hardwood floors sanded and re-finished and of course, the walls painted - should look good when they are finished.

Today's picture - an "antique" - a bedside table John made in highschool shop class many, MANY years ago. It still looks good and Kris is currently using it in his bedroom. and a picture of Jamie and Kris

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