Thursday, December 30, 2010

house is back to normal

For some reason both Rick and I both got antsy about taking down our Christmas decorations early this year. We generally leave them up until after New Years, but maybe we put them up so early this year, that we were just plain sick and tired of them. I love lots of decorations, but I must admit, it can be a bit much sometimes!

It was a BIG job - took Rick the better part of the day and I very much appreciate him tackling it on his own. Anyway, all is back to normal now!

The week has been fairly quiet for us - Monday we popped into Ottawa to visit with Ginny-Lynn in the afternoon and then with Phil and Janet for the evening. Great visits!! If I am going to make a resolution at all this year - it will be to get out of the house more often to see people - we do tend to become a house bound. Oh yeah, and exercise more too......

We were up to Matawatchan on Tuesday afternoon to take down one of my signs on a property that was sold. On the way down Matawatchan Road (which was VERY icy) we were flagged down by a family of 5 from Toronto who had just put their van in the ditch. The ditch was very deep and the van was pretty well perpendicular - sitting on it's back end with the nose pointing skyward. No one was hurt and the day was very mild, but not a lot of traffic on that road and not a lot of year-round homes to call a tow truck from(it goes without saying that cell phones do NOT work in that part of the country)

They opted to stay with the van while Rick and I drove on down the road intending to stop at one of the small local stores to place the call- which we found were closed for the season! We finally stopped at a house, where luckily the owner was a member of the local volunteer fire department. Soon we had a couple of the volunteer guys on site helping out and then the biggest helper came along - a farmer heading off to go ice fishing. He & the "boys" quickly sized up the situation and it was decided no tow truck was required. Instead the farmer went back to get his John Deere tractor. He had the van out in about 2 minutes - it was quite something to see! So, all ended well, no damage to the van and the van owner was quick to offer a huge thank you and a "contribution" to the old farmer with the tractor, which would see him with a case of beer for his troubles. Again, I must say I was most impressed with the power of the John Deere - I should mention that Rick wants one now!

The mild weather seems to be helping real estate - several calls today to show houses and a new listing for Monday - always nice to start the year off busy!
Todays pictures are from Christmas - Kris and Buddy openeing a present and Nibbles enjoying some wrapping paper.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas eve

Well, here we are - Christmas Eve! The weather's been lovely - cold-ish but not freezing and just enough snow down that the kiddies can use there sleds and skiis etc. Kind of nice - no one likes a white Christmas.

Morning saw us into town for me to finish up some paperwork. Then picked up a few last minute items. The stores were busy, but not crazy - the trick is to not take a cart - then you can move through the crowds pretty easily. At Wal-mart all the cashes were open and things moved along well.

This afternoon we finished up some baking - tarts and shortbread. Tomorrow Jamie and Julie will be up for the afternoon. We got a fairly large bird, so Rick is bound to be up early to get it stuffed and into the oven.

Tonite we had a quiet evening with Kris - eating treats & watching a couple of movies. Toy Story 3 - not bad, but a bit dark for kids - animation is incredible! Then we watched Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio - weird movie about dreams and getting inside people's sub-conciousness - very strange.

Just as the movie was over, the cats started freaking out looking out the front windows, so we investigated (translation - "investigate" = sending Kris out to check it out) and were lucky enough to catch 3 or 4 deer across the road feeding on an apple tree. First time in the 23 years we have lived here that I have actually seen deer! Wow!

So, now that we have established that Santa and his reindeer are in the area, it's time for bed! Merry Christms everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2010

busy day

We had planned to drive in to Ottawa today to hit IKEA and a couple of other stores, but still feeling the lingering effects of our colds, we decided to just do Renfrew and call it a day.

We did pretty well finish off our shopping - we may not bother with a trip to Ottawa afterall. And feeling a bit better in the afternoon, we made a batch of traditional, christmas meat pies using Rick's mom's recipe. We have altered it a bit over the years to suit our tastes, but it remains pretty much the same and the smell of allspice and cloves is definitely "Christmas-y"

We got a bit more snow today and while the main roads are good, the secondary roads are still icy and slushy. Tomorrow should be a bit warmer and that should help clear up the roads.

Today, after much consideration, I ordered myself a Kindle - an e-reader from Amazon. Like so many techy gadgets, the hardest part is trying to decide which e-reader to buy. Remember the VHS vs. Beta wars??? While Beta was by far the better quality the fact the more movies were put out on VHS, pretty well killed the Beta machines.

There are several e-readers - KOBO (canadian version from Chapters), Sony e-reader, Barnes & Noble have one. but, I figured Amazon would have access to the most books, so I went with it - and cheapest at $139.

One of the main reasons I decided to get an e-reader is because there isn't a book store in town and Wal-Mart has pretty well stopped selling paperbacks altogether. And I can download a book for 2 or 3 dollars less than buying a paperback. Other good points - the font can be adjusted and it lights up so good for reading in bed. anyway, I'll give it a try although, I'm sure it will take some getting used to.

Today's picture - our meat pies!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

still sick......

We do seem to be on the mend, but still not really up to par just yet. sign of getting older - it's harder to shake a cold. And this is a funny one, just as you think you're feeling better, you slide down hill again.

Yesterday was a snow day - it snowed all day and we just stayed put! I understand it was much worse in the London/Sarnia area where people were trapped in their cars on the highway. Wasn't that bad here - but we have a policy of only driving in bad weather if we absolutely HAVE to. I don't consider shopping a reason to venture out.

Today was fine - so a quick trip to the office to handle some paperwork and then off to Pembroke to do a bit of shopping. We did get the the iems we planned on as well as some impulse items. However, still being under the weather did us in, in less than 2 hours! I was in a store looking at some clothes, when Rick tracked me down looking for the Buckley's cough medicine I had in my purse. One look at him swigging it right from the bottle and it was clearly time to GO HOME!

Picture today is our oh-so-elegant cat Missy

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter's here

We had no real plans to go out today seeing as we are both fighting nasty colds, but good thing we didn't have anything planned as a winter storm of wet snow and freezing rain would have kept us at home anyway.

Rick started to get this cold on Thursday and yesterday was his worst day which was, of course, the day he had to write his exam - wouldn't you know? I'm quite certain he did as well on this one as on his others, but he's naturally worried and will be relieved to get his marks (sometime next week)
I started to get sick on Friday. So, we've spent a quiet weekend at home - with our respective bottles of Buckleys cough syrup and Nyquil. In spite of not feeling well, Rick put up our living room Christmas tree and then he had to clean the lane way. So, maybe not much of a day of rest for him, now that I think about it....
This is our first "looks like it'll stay" snow - kind of pretty when it is fresh on the ground.
Not too much on the go this week - real estate is understandably quiet this time of year. But I expect it to take off in the new year.
today's picture - a view of the snow from our living room window and Nibbles and Buddy in the garland.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Burton's back

Renfrew Nativity scene is set up for another year- I still think Joseph looks like a young Burton Cummings of the Guess Who. Just put Burton in a gold robe and it's pretty close. I THINK, though, that Joseph should probably have a beard...

Jamie was out yesterday to drop off the truck and pick up his car. His move is over and he is very happy with the apartment. He and Julie are in the process of getting everything set up - they have recently discovered the Dollar stores and Giant Tiger for cheap goods. I always say it doesn't matter anymore whether you shop at Pier 1 imports or Dollarama - all the freaking stuff comes from China anyway! I saw a documentary on China the other day - there is a whole village that does very well doing nothing but making Mardi Gras beads.

We had intended to go into Renfrew to watch the Santa Claus parade (it's kind of fun) but Jamie's visit distracted us and we missed it.

Last night night was our office Christmas Party. We have tried different venues - this year the boss paid for rooms at a hotel and dinner at a bar and grill called Crazy Horse. They serve steak on a square of 750 degree lava rock that lets you cook your own steak. A novel idea - surprised they can get liability insurance, though - y'know beer and 750 degree rocks???? The 3 or 4 bouncers at the door (we knew they were bouncers, cuz they had coats with "Bouncer" written on the backs) anyway, generally the presence of bouncer indicates a fairly "lively" bar - add hot lava rocks and, hey, you've got a PART-EE!

Tonight we're over to a neighbours for a small neighbourhood get together. Can't be late, though - tomorrow I have a very busy day starting with an 8 a.m. inspection, then another inspection at noon and out to Eganville for the afternoon to show houses.

Today's picture is Joseph aka Burton Cummings and the real Burton Cummings - I think there is a real resemblance!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

ho ho ho

December 1st - time to get into Christmas action!!! Having wrapped up a couple of deals today in the office, I came home early to get started on decorating the house. I started a Christmas village several years ago, but have not put it up for the past 2 years. But, this year I decided to make the effort and I'm glad I did. It does take some effort - sort of a fussy thing, but every year I figure out a few tricks to make it easier. My goal for this year is to get a train for it!
While I worked on the village, Rick put up one of our Christmas trees. I always think of my mother-in-law when we put up the "white" tree. She loved the real trees we always used to get, but always said she would love a white or silver tree for a change. so, a few years ago, I bought this white tree with her in mind - I think she would have loved it!

Jamie and girlfriend Julie are now officially moved into their new apartment. I think the whole move had him quite stressed - I'm glad he's settled in now. Not sure about the area of town, they are in - but itis what they can afford. Hopefully, next year I can find them a house. Houses are very affordable in Renfrew. I just sold a beautiful century brick home- very elegant and in very original condition (ie: the 10 inch baseboards and wood trim don't have 20 coats of paint) anyway, I'm sure in the Glebe it would be over $500K - out here under $200K. Has a garage too!

Tomorrow Rick and I are up to Eganville for the day - I man the office and Rick studies. He's in the home stretch now - his final exam is only a week and a half away - he writes next Saturday. I'm sure he'll do as well on that one as he did on his first two exams.
Today's pictures - my village, "mom's" white Christmas tree & Buddy under the tree.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Grey day!!

It was one of those "grey" days today. The skies were grey all day as it either drizzled or tried to snow. And, of course, the snow on the ground was dirty - not a pretty day at all - typical November I guess.

We had a nice weekend last weekend with Bill and Andrea coming up for the final race of the year. Unfortunately Jimmie Johnson won the championship (again- 5 times in a row) none of us wanted him to win - Andrea is a Carl Edwards fan, Rick was sort of rooting for Kevin Harvick and Bill and I are always for Jeff Gordon who has 4 championships to his name bus has done nothing noteworthy lately. I did read that Jeff is getting a new crew chief next year and hopefully that will help him win a few races before he retires.

Bill and Andrea are already talking about going to Daytona for the start of the 2012 season - they would like us to go, but I can't commit that far in advance.

I think this weekend we'll get some of our Christmas stuff out - I've got a few things out already, but haven't done the tree or any real decorating yet. One advantage of an artificial tree is being able to put it up early and enjoy it longer.

I can't say I've started any Christmas shopping yet - picked up a few small items - but it's time to make the effort. One advantage of my "job" is that I don't have to shop on the weekends, I can go anytime I darn well please......and yet, I still seem wind up at Wal-Mart on Saturday afternoon fighting the crowds.

Rick is debating whether or not to make his nuts and bolts this year. Everybody likes them (especially Jamie) but they are AWFUL for Rick cholesterol and they are one of those salty snacks that are very addictive. I told him to make a half batch, not eat ANY until Christmas and give a bunch of bottles away as gifts. yeah, that'll work!

Real estate is fairly quiet - typical for this time of year. I do have several deals closing over the next few weeks, which will carry me into the new year. Here's hoping we have a very busy 2011!!!!
Here's a picture of Nibbles in all her Christmas finery! How Christmasy is THAT!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Not sure why - but today seemed to be the coldest day yet! We were up to Eganville today - still trying to get that office back up to full operation - but is a tough go. I bailed at 2:30 as we had stuff to do in Renfrew.

Jamie and Julie were up last weekend - they were very up beat about the apartment they have rented in Ottawa. Jamie seems very excited although he's been away from home for 9 years or so. I guess he's always shared a place with other people and this is really his first apartment where it is just him (and Julie, of course) but no room-mates. I understand he is glad to be getting out of his current place. They move in December 1st and I think Rick and I will go in with the truck to help with the move. I believe a lot of his workshop stuff will be coming out here - sigh!

We're getting kind of full here what with Kris bringing home "sparklies" that he picks up. This week he has brought home a used woodstove (missing a leg), a used electric guitar (minus the pick-up and strings), a ceramic christmas village set (still in the box) We're going to need a storage unit soon!! Can you say hoarders???

tomorrow (Saturday) I'm showing a couple of houses and Sunday Bill and Andrea are up for the last NASCAR race of the year! wow - where did the year go????? Guess it's time to get the Christmas stuff out - might as well start with my new village set...
today's picture is of Nibbles having nice little nap on the back of the couch

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Much running around today - I had the second stage of my crown done today (no...not a Princess crown - a crown on my back tooth) It feels funny, but I guess I'll get used to it. After that I headed up to Eganville where I had office duty for the day. But just after I got there, I got a call from some clients who wanted to look at some houses in the afternoon - so, I closed up the Eganville office and drove back to Renfrew for the showings.

I can't say that I mind driving up to Eganville - but most of my clients are in the Renfrew area, so I wind up spending a day in Eganville and then playing catch up back in Renfrew the next day. Or driving back and forth. Oh well, rural real estate involves a LOT of driving.

The township is finally getting to work on the expensive upgrade to our water system here at home. Cats are a little freaked out at all the activity up and down the street. Buddy doesn't seem to mind - but the "ladies" are not going out during the day - they mostly line up on the back of the couch and watch the men working.

Today's picture - water works!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


there could be many titles for this picture of Phil and Janet's Rialta....

"Can't they put Spandex in these things???" or "I shouldn't have eaten that second piece of cake!!!!" or "Take that back and bring me a REAL size 8!!!!!" or what about "book me into the gym, Danno!!!"

hahaha - I know just how Rialta feels!! & I bet ya'll do too!

Had a great weekend - Phil and Janet and Janet's mom, Betty were up yesterday to tuck their RV in for the winter. Pam and Terry came up from their son, John's house in Ottawa to prepare to head out today. So we had a lovely dinner together - even Kris came home early from hunting. A nice day.

Pam and Terry were kind enough to wait until I got up this morning to say good-bye as they pulled up stakes to head South in their RV for the winter. I really enjoyed seeing them and soooooooooo happy they are back in Ontario for their summers as I really missed them when they used to "live" in BC.

Rick is doing a commute from Ottawa these days - he's in the final stretch of his course and has to drive into Woodward Avenue 4 days a week. Next week will be the end - good thing, he's really not enjoying the 1 plus hour commute again!

Friday, November 5, 2010

it's been a while...

can't believe it's been sooooooooooo long since I posted - been busy & a bit lazy too!!!

Well, it's hunting season in Renfrew - which means the town sort of shuts down. I don't have anything against people killing Bambi's but we have small municipal offices with a lot of "one of''s" and when they aren't around things can simply grind to a halt and no body seems to see this as an issue....except me!!! oh well...

Last Thursday Pam and Terry arrived from Sudbury in their RV. We had a lovely nice long visit over the weekend until the left (sans RV) to stay at their son's house in Ottawa for a week. I expect them back on Sunday for a last hug and chat and then they're off to winter in Florida. Generally, they head to Arizona, but this year they are staying on the East Coast. I look forward to seeing them again in the Spring and although, I know they liked the West Coast, I admit I'm thrilled to see them on a somewhat regular basis now that they are based back in Ontario!

Jamie and girlfriend Julie have rented a 1 bedroom apartment in the Carling and Kirkwood area and will move in Dec. 1st. I'm expecting a load of "stuff" from Jamie who has been sharing a house with friends and has accumulated a ton of workshop equipment & tools that will have no place in the apartment. I'm sure we'll find room for it.

Tomorrow is "sign day" - I have several houses that I have to take the signs off of, some sold signs to put up (my favorite) and some lock-boxes to reclaim. We will head from here to Renfrew to Eganville to Matawatchan, Calabogie and that will bring us full circle back to Renfrew. A quick stop at the grocery store and home. At least that's the plan far.

Tomorrow is supposed to be cool but sunny- not a bad day for a long drive. We've had a couple of nasty wintery days this week. Halloween wasn't very nice and we only had about 25 kids. That's about half what we usually get and a far cry from the 75 - 80 we got many years ago.

Looking forward soooo much to Sunday when Phil and Janet are coming up with their Rialta camper to tuck away for the winter. Can't wait to see them!

today's pictures - A couple of snowy Halloween pumpkins (Kris carved them, of course) it was so windy, Rick put light bulbs in them instead of candles.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

a day for a drive!

Today we went for a nice long drive up to the village of Foymount. Foymount is like the highest point in Southern Ontario or something like that! It was used as a radio base in WWII and for the last 15 years has been the main location for Blackwater sports wear. Blackwater was one of the first to design clothing with Gortex. They always had a huge sale in September that was a big draw for the sports crowd.
Well, Blackwater bit the dust a couple of weeks ago - their clothing line is now manufactured off shore - like everything else. Foymount is now often described as a modern day ghost town. Although, we saw plenty of signs of life as far as people living there. The old military barracks are pretty run down but the houses look lived in.
Obviously the views are absolutely incredible!! My camera certainly didn't do it justice - but I try! Leaving Foymount we headed up to Pembroke to pick up a couple of Christmas presents - never toooooo early to start shopping, y'know.
Jamie and his girlfriend Julie were up yesterday for dinner. Since they were having turkey at Julie's parents today, we opted for prime rib - which was okay - but not nearly as good as what you get in a restaurant. Still a nice dinner was had by all and always good to seem them.
It's been a really nice Thanksgiving weekend weather wise. I'm showing a couple of houses in Calabogie tomorrow - hopefully it will be sunny and warm again - maybe we ca even take the Pony!
Today's pictures taken along the road to Foymount and up in Foymount overlooking the valley

Friday, October 1, 2010

up to Eganville!

Not the best weather - typical Fall weather - cool and rainy.

Rick and I were up in our Eganville office yesterday and today. There has always been a satellite office in Eganville - and up until last year there were from 2 - 4 agents up there. It was a very successful office, too until the wheels fell off the cart last year.

There was enough drama in that one little office for a bad reality show! One by one the agents and staff quit until there was only one agent left and she's mostly in Toronto these days.

So, there was this very nice, but very empty office in Eganville - all recently renovated - and I figured we should take advantage of it. Each agent in our Renfrew office will take a turn in the Eganville office and see if we can't drum up some business. It is a nice change of pace actually!

And a very pretty drive up there too! Would be better if there wasn't all kinds of road construction! Oh well, it's got to be done, right?

Looking forward to the weekend - Bill and Andrea coming up for the NASCAR race on Sunday - that should be a fun afternoon. Andrea likes a fire and we have LOTS of wood for what promises to be a chilly day!

Today's picture is the nice big office in Eganville and the lovely view from the.

Monday, September 27, 2010

rainy day

Looks like warm weather (20's) and rain for most of the week! Oh well - typical Fall weather, I suppose.

well, it's been one of those days....

My Open House went well. The property is conditionally sold, but since the open house was booked already, I was obligated to go ahead with it.

My first group through were 3 elderly couples travelling together (or in a pack, one might say, maybe a gaggle...or a pod....)

Anyway, the very first words out of one old fellow's mouth was "how come you Renfrew agents list properties in Arnprior?" (free country maybe?????) Then, when I explained that, although the seller lived in Arnprior, I had been working with her off and on for a couple of years, he said she was retired so how could I have worked with her? So, I explained that I MEANT "working" as in showing her properties. sigh - I should have stopped being nice right there!

While I was talking to him explaining this, he wandered back to the pod and then came back and told me I had the address wrong on my listing - "it is Drive not Street" he apparently felt obliged to tell me. Since my listing said Drive not street, I don't know what the hell he was referring to - maybe the newspaper ad - I don't know - and I don't care -old coot!!

When he said he liked the place and might be interested in buying it, I explained that there was a condtional offer on the property. So, he said if I'd tell him what the offer was for, he'd bid a dollar more and buy the place himself!

By THAT time I was TOTALY, freaking sick and tired of this old guy and happily told him I could NOT tell him the amount of the offer!! He didn't like that and with anyone else, I would have explained about the confidentiality of offers etc. but honestly, I was just sick of him!!! I was quite happy when he grumbled his way outside. Being old should NOT give one the right to be that cantanerous!!!

Several other nice people through, which reminded me that people can be nice and pleasant!

Today, I had the dubious pleasure of wasting a ton of time on the phone trying to get a RBC branch phone number. no matter what number you call for the RBC, it goes to a main number where you get someone who can't help you - but sounds real cheery and chipper in spite of not having a clue - and won't give you the phone number you want!!!

Finally on my 3 or 4th call and after many, MANY, MANY minutes of being on hold, one nice young man finally agreed to put me through to the manager of the RBC Kanata branch I needed to contact.

I'm not sure why he suddenly put me through when no one else would - maybe it was the tone of my voice or mayby it was when I said, that since I only lived an hour away from this particular branch, I could always get in my car, and simply DRIVE there!! ANYHOO, he put me through and I talked to the manager. I still don't have the branch phone number though......

hahaha - he's probably blogging tonight about the grumpy old real estate lady he had to deal with today!!!

Then this afternoon was a quick trip to Douglas for a market evaluation and then on to meet up with an electrician at one of my listed properties on Mink Lake. - busy day.

no pictures - sorry, guys- too tired to look up some old ones - but here's a link to one of my favorite game sites -always good for entertaining oneself while sitting on hold!

hope this link works -for some reason, I can't copy and paste in this blog any more. one more weird technology thingy, that WAS such a timesaver and now doesn't seem to work in an increasing number of places.

Another technical weird thingy - is a website called Geni that Phil put me on to - it's a geneology website which is kind of neat. I forgot my password the other day and for some reason my password reminder came in Swedish (I think - I can't actually READ it - but it looks Swedish) Now when I log into my Geni account - everythings in Swedish - and since I haven't a clue what I'm reading in Swedish, I have no idea how to fix it - cuz, I don't know what to click on. At this point, I don't think I care any more.....,........ g'night, all!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

busy week

Usual week for us - much running around - listed a house in Arnprior and got an offer on it on Friday - nice when that happens. Doesn't happen often in this sluggish market!

Rick had a great golf game on Wednesday. It was sponsored by the Renfrew Country Real Estate Board - a charity tournatment, of course. He's played two tournaments so far this summer - both for charity - the other one was sponsored by Aikenhead's drug store (isn't that a GREAT name for a drug store) anyway both times, he played with some people from my office - which is super - because I really SHOULD play these charity tournaments as it is good for business, but I don't play golf, so this is one area Rick will excel in! Go Rick!!!

He thouroughly enjoyed both games and in spite of not playing often over the past few years, he played well and back at the office I heard many comments about his ability to smoke a ball (whatever that means....) but I believe it is a good thing!

We've been out and about a bit this past week - up to Eganville at least once - what a pretty town. In fact, I plan to start spending a day a week in our Eganville office.

This weekend, we're catching much of the Barrett-Jackson car aution - always fun to watch - although, I basically watch for the strange cars. But, I have noticed that prices seem to be lower over the last few years - a sign of the times I guess. Sellers and buyers both pay a commission at Barrett-Jackson - 8 percent charged to the seller and 10 percent to the buyer.

18 percent- WOW!

We popped over to Shawville yesterday to the good ole' Giant Tiger (or Geante Tigre - since we were in Quebec - lol) we've discovered we quite like sheets with a higher thread count and I've found that Giant Tiger is the cheapest place to buy them! $30 for queen size, deep pocket sheet set - thats a good deal, folks!!!! I won't buy any more queen-size though, as we've been talking about trading up to a king size bed in the next year - that will probably be our next big purchase.

Actually, I think our next BIG purchase will be a pellet stove for the kitchen - our kitchen is generally chilly and we have a big old electric heater (energy sucker) in there that we could replace with a pellet stove. I guess we'll start checking some out soon - if we're going to buy one, we should do so soon!
A chipped back tooth this week, sent me to the denist in a hurry - will need to be crowned - so, wait, our REAL, next BIG purchase will probably be in my mouth!!!! lol
Tomorrow I'm in Arnprior doing an Open House - 235 Allan Drive - from 2 to 4 if anyone is interested! A lovely home - today's picture, in fact!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is here!

It would seem by the weather than Fall is officially here! only supposed to be around 11 degrees tomorrow - that's chilly! We don't like to put the heat on at this time of year, but we have had several fires only the past few days. I quite like a fire!

We've been quite well lately, too - no stitches or blood transfusions!!! No visits to emerg or doctor. a good thing! I think the stitches in Rick's hand can come out in a few days. Fortunately Kris has a pair of those special stitch-remover scissors that Rick can use to remove them. Scissors from about 3 months ago when Kris got a couple dozen stitches in his leg after he sliced it open going over the handlebars of his dirt bike! In this house, the men take out their own stitches!

My week's turned quite busy - off to Arnprior tomorrow to list a house. It will actually be the first one I have listed in Arnprior, but hope to do more in that area.

Today's picture is another treasure from our local landfill site care of Kris - Rick seems quite excited about it. An old Fender reverb thingy, I think!

Friday, September 10, 2010

been a while, huh?

w0w - I just realized I haven't posted for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time and figure I better get to it or people will just stop checking it.

We are certainly giving our emergency department a lot of business lately. Last week Jamie was in for about 4 days with stomach issues. His girlfriend Julie brought him out here last Monday because he was so sick and so weak he was barely able to stand up. The nurses immediately popped him on a gurney and started him on an IV. He was admitted about 4 a.m. and in the morning our local surgeon did a scope on his stomach which revealed a small tear in the stomach lining. Not much to be done but let it heal - not a chronic thing, but he had lost so much blood (being sick) over a couple of days they gave him a blood transfusion on Wednesday.

Anyway, he was released on Thursday and spent the long weekend getting back on his feet - and is back to normal now. A little stressful though - he didn't much care for being in a hospital!

Then this morning, Rick was putting out the garbage and cut his hand on a small piece of metal and so we were back in emerg. for stitches for him. We're getting to be on a first name basis with the nurses!

Thanks to all for Rick's B-day wishes. We didn't do anything exciting - went up to Pembroke for a drive and went to Burger King - Rick had been drooling for a Whopper. I planned on getting a salad, but when I got up to the counter, somehow the words - "Texas steak burger" popped out of my mouth instead! Hahahaha! funny how that happens!

Actually, we rarely eat out - not sure why, but we rarely do. And, as we were eating our Burger King burgers yesterday, we both admitted that our own home-cooked burgers were just as good. I do have a serious Timmy's tea habit, that I am trying to cut back!

I hear Hydro rates are going up (again) we heat with electricity - so this is always a bit of a worry and we just got word from our municipality that our water rates are going up to around $100 a month. We currently pay around $40 a month but that's not enough to cover the cost of the new pump house building & chain link fence and the cost of testing the water everyday that the M.O.E. says we have to do. Everyone's freaking out, but what are you gonna do?

Not much else new - we were over at Bill and Andrea's last week for the NASCAR race (my driver still sucks) and had Bill's to-die-for ribs and Andrea's super potato salad. Had a great time - race was a night race and was quite late when we got home.

Don't know if I mentioned before, but Rick is going for his real estate license and is halfway through the second of 3 courses he must complete before getting his license. He sailed through the first course (taken on-line) with a final mark of 94% - very good! We plan to work together as a team and I think Rick's quite looking forward to it. The hours are good - even though one does work evenings and weekends sometimes - but that just means one takes days off during the week!

well, hell - this has been a long post - that's what happens when I get lazy about posting. I don't think I even have any new pictures! Will try to post on a more regular basis!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

another one bites the dust!

Timminco Metals, formerly Chromasco Limited, formerly Dominion Magnesium - a magnesium mine established in the 30's (I think) is coming down!

As we drove by the mine last night, we noticed that the demolition of one of the larger buildings has started. This is just another example of Canada's (North America's) manufacturing going off shore. Cheaper to import inferior grade magnesium than mine it here. hmmmm....

When we moved to Haley Station in 1986 there must have been 350+ people working there - I worked in the offices myself for several years before going to Timminco's Pembroke plant (long gone as well - same story - cheaper to import inferior strontium from China) In the 90's both these plants were thriving - and millions spent in upgrades and research.
These plants exported high-quality magnesium & strontium alloys all over the world with offices in the States, Europe, Australia & Japan. This was a well respected and dynamic business. For more information and to rejuvinate a little bit of Canadian pride, google the Pidgeon Process and see what you get....
By the late 90's the writing was on the wall and by 2005 there were only half a dozen employees left.
Well, it's a sign of the times - as long as we continue to purchase cheap crap from overseas, we will continue to see our own Canadian plants disappear
I think the saddest thing is that this isn't even worthy of a note in the local paper - I have yet to see any of our local newspapers write so much as a column about it.

Okay, I'm done - I'm climbing off my soap box now - I just thought that someone, SOMEWHERE should make note of this event.
yup, another one quietly bites the dust....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Another hot humid day in the Valley. I don't remember days like this when I was small

I just came in back in the house after rescuing a poor little mouse that two of my cats were tormenting out on the front lawn. I HATE it when they do that! the two nasties (Nibbles and Buddy) had the mouse between them and every time it moved (or shook) they would be ready to pounce and it would freeze again! Anyway, I snagged the two beasties and brought them in the house. Hopefully the mouse will get up the nerve to run away. I think they sometimes die from fear - have little mousey strokes or something

I listed two properties this week - actually one was a re-listing in Calabogie, so it was back to Calabogie Lake to put up the signs again and get signatures etc. Nice place at $349K
I also listed a fixer upper in Renfrew for $79,900. The upstairs has been very nicely renovated, but the downstairs - not so much! Just a little place about 900 square feet. Still, what can you buy for that kind of money? In Ottawa, it would still probably be around $200K I'm amazed that more people from Ottawa don't move out here and communte - living's cheap!

The long weekend was rather quiet for us - we watched the NASCAR race on Sunday and I must say that my favorite driver, Jeff Gordon, and his crew chief are inventing new ways to lose a race. Honestly! Best car, fastest car, leading the most laps - bad pit call close to the end and Jeff comes in 20th or something stupid like that. "Stay out, Jeff!!!" I said, but NOOOOOOO, he comes in for 4 tires and throws the race - LOSER!

Anyhoo, other than that life is quiet - Kris is doing a lot of fishing in his canoe (it only leaks a bit - I understand they can stay out for almost a full hour before having to come in and pour the water out...) I think they throw back whatever fish they catch - at least it isn't winding up in my fridge, thank God!
picture today is Buddy trying to catch a light reflection on the wall (his punishment for playing with his food, is messing with his little kitty brain with lights on the walls that he never EVER seems to figure out he can't catch!) and Missy working on her tan.

Monday, July 26, 2010

nice day!

I have not been posting as often as I should - I'm irritated with my sign in for my blog account. We changed our email adress to a new Gmail address and now my blogger account (being somehow affiliated with Google) has changed my password from my blog account password to my Google account.

so, when I go to log in - I try my old password, it doesn't work, I get pissed and don't blog. I don't like it when things (particularly passwords) get changed without my knowledge. oh well, what-are-you-gonna-do?

I may have mentioned my stove in past blogs - a couple of years ago I bought a new smooth top GE stove. I love my new stove - it looks great - it doesn't cook worth a damn! Basically it can't boil water! Yesterday Rick and I decided to make a casserole - I cooked my ground beef in the electric frying pan and Rick actually fired up our 35 year old propane camp stove in the garage to boil the water for the pasta! Tell me there isn't something wrong with this....... That's what happens when you buy something for looks alone!

Rick had a nostalgia day on Saturday - he and a friend went to a remote control boat club regatta in Sprats gravel pit somewhere in Ottawa South. Rick used to be an active member but this was his first time back to the "pond" in about 30 years. He was there most of the day and said he had a great time - I am sure he would like to get back into the hobby if there was a handy place around to run the boats. Maybe we should buy something on the water!
Yesterday was mostly real estate - in to Renfrew to list a fixer upper in town ($79,900 in case anyone is interested) and then home, only to get a call (just before the race started) from a couple wanting to go through a cottage I have listed. So, off we went to Mink Lake - nice drive in the Pony.
When Rick used to race his r/c boats years ago and take pictures, I always thought they just looked like little specks on the water. Guess what? they still look like specks on the water - hahaha - today's pictures r/c boats from Saturday's regatta

Saturday, July 17, 2010

heat continues....

As anyone and everyone in the area knows, it continues to be extremely hot. I don't think the humidity was nearly as bad as it was last week, but it is still a bit on the sticky side. We've been making good use of the Pony - sunscreen, hats & sunglasses when going for a drive are a definite MUST!

I've rarely worn sunglasses as I wear prescription glasses and I don't like the clip on sunglasses very much. My latest "find" is a pair of $8 wrap-around sunglasses that I can wear over top of my prescription glasses! At last I'm cool in sunglasses (even if these are probably referred to as "granny glasses" by younger people. They are available at your local Giant Tiger store!

We've been running the roads a fair bit this past week - real estate continues to be slow (for everyone) but it won't stay that way. Probably in a few weeks I'll be whining about being tooooo busy!

Jamie and Julie came up last weekend - a surprise visit - very nice to see them both. Jamie is throughouly enjoying his new job - the pay is good, steady (not "piece" work pay like he got at Canadian tire) and the hours are regular - 8 to 5 & no weekends. He quite likes the people he works with and so close to home he could bike there if he wanted to. Nice!

Nothing much else exciting going on - all I can say is THANK GOD FOR AIR CONDITIONERS!!! I don't know how people manage without them in this weather.

Picture today is Nibbles (who's just so darn cute) - I wish I could get THAT comfortable! By the way, that is HER spot on the back of the couch in front of HER window. She does go out, but never far - NEVER goes into the bush and I think she is pretty content to watch the world go by from her window.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

holy heat wave, Batman!!!!

As everyone in the area knows - it's been really freakin' hot lately! Our house is fairly cool - with the use of 3 window a/c's. I would prefer central air, but not having a central heating system in the house means we use window units. And I wouldn't be without them!

Tonight we had to run back into town - I had a showing booked for 7:30 - so we took the Pony, but ran the a/c on our feet cuz it was so hot!

Kris has been complaining about the heat - I told him that, that's what you get for wanting an "outdoorsey" job - WEATHER! freeze your tail off in the winter and roast in the summer!

Jamie says his new job "rocks" - it would appear that he made a good move from Crappy Tire to this new place. His girlfriend's parents have a cottage on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river and I'm guessing Jamie and Julie are spending evenings there on the water - not a bad life!

speaking of water - I have a great 2 bedroom house on Calabogie lake for sale if anyone is interested..... Calabogie is generally a busy market, but not this year! I do think that the HST has created a number of serious misconceptions among homebuyers. Many think HST will be charged on resale homes and I had one lady tell me that she thought it meant our commissions were jumping to 13% (I wish.....) so, I wonder if that is keeping people from buying, cause, the bank rates are super low and should be helping things along. I know many of you reading this will remember interest rates in the low - mid teens.

today's the thermometer at my office - this was taken around 6:15 p.m. and it was in the shade!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


WOW! Now THIS is a summer day! Just right for a drive in the Pony with the top down! I had a showing up in Mt. St. Patrick today and what a great drive. We slathered on the sunscreen and away we went. Rick made a point of washing the car first, but we encountered some dirt roads which quickly dusted up the car. Oh well.

This house I have listed on the top of Kennelly Mountain in Mt. St. Patrick (and, YES, I realize the this would not really be considered a "mountain" anywhere but in the rather flat Ottawa Valley...) is a fabulous home with views up to 40 kms or more. So well built it is heated exclusively by a wood stove! No phone service, but perfect cell phone service so one doesn't really need a land land (and many people just don't bother with land lines any longer) Anyway, I really like this place, but the drive up the "mountain" would be a bit tough in the winter time.

In spite of having the top down, it was a hot drive home and we made an impulsive stop at KFC (did you know they changed their name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC to try to tone down the "fried" angle???) We rarely get KFC, in fact, Rick and I don't eat out or get take out very often - but about every 6 months or so, I get a craving for KFC and today was the day! toooo hot to cook anyway.

Tomorrow I have an open house in Calabogie - should be a nice day for that - hopefully I will get some BUYERS!!! It is a great place - perfect doll house on the lake! Last year it would have sold in a month, this year - only a few showings - it is a quiet year!

Picture today is from the top of Kennelly Mountain!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nice day!

Today is a very nice day - a bit on the cool side (I'm okay with that) but sunny and very pleasant.
I really have no excuse for not posting here for a while - just lazy I guess. Not much new - had a rough weekend in the hospital from Friday a.m. to Sunday. Well, it was only Friday morning that was tough - the rest of the weekend was just sitting around in the hospital under "observation". By Sunday aftrnoon the doctors decided I was fine (just severe and pretty well unexplainable stomach pains) and I was discharged.

Don't know what brings these episodes on and therefore can't really do much to prevent them - might be twisted bowel, might be scar tissue from previous surgeries - don't know - CT scans & X-rays show all is well, so I'll just forget about it and carry on.

All I can say is thank goodness for my Nintendo DS game!! I played it a LOT while being "observed". And Saturday Rick and I pretty well had the Ronald McDonald TV room to ourselves and we settled in for the Barrett-Jackson car auction on SPEED channel. It really wasn't too bad - comfy chairs, TV, my DS game, cell phone - just like at home!!!!! We really have a super hospital out here with good people and services. The food is very good too - but this time, I was on a light diet, so didn't get much in the way of food. But, to show how good this place is - on Sunday morning, I was given my breakfast tray of juice and oatmeal and the nurse (thinking I wouldn't like oatmeal) offered to order me some scrambled eggs and toast instead. But, I LIKE oatmeal, so I kept it! I doubt one would get THAT service in the bigger hospitals.

Jamie has started a new job -for the past several years he's been at the Canadian Tire in Barhaven & it was through them, that he got his apprenticeship card, but it was time to move on. It only took him a week or two to find new employment - he was hired in at a shop around the corner from where he lives - very handy. He started yesterday and so far thinks the job is awesome. I think he will at least get more true mechanical experience here as Canadian Tire was a lot of brakes, tires, oil changes etc. As I said, it was but time to move on.

Real estate continues to be quiet - listing properties, but not much is selling - a lament I hear from other agents too. One agent who's been around for a long time predicts a busy August - I can handle that!
today's picture is Buddy chasing light reflection the wall. We had a laser pointer last year and he and Nibbles would FREAK OUT chasing it around - good fun! well for us....we finally had to put it away, cuz they were going a little nuts.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

rainy day!

Such a rainy, cool day today that Rick started a fire tonite - which we throughly enjoyed while eating supper and then watching a movie - Alice in Wonderland. Strange movie. But, it was a very strange book. Quite obviously the author was taking some sort of mind expanding medication.

Still, the movie is good - the animation is wonderful and the HD is great, but I wonder what actors and actresses think now when they see themselves on the big screen in HD with all their tiniest blemishes exposed. I heard that some are so shocked to see their faces so clearly, they insist on filming with a filter - hahaha - we pay for HD and they're blurring the filming - nice!

We rented Avatar the other night - it was very good - I want to watch it in 3D and wear the funny glasses - but I don't know if you need a 3D TV for that of if the Blue Ray will work - it's all getting much too confusing for me!

Phil and Janet & dog, Tash, are heading to Calafornia in their newly acquired VW Rialta cmper. sounds like they're having a blast! I get regular emails on their progress.

Todays picture is care of Phil & Janet taken at Cadillac Ranch in amarillo Texas - it is 10 vintage Cadillacs buried in the sand in 1974 by Stanley Marsh.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

You can't find EVERYTHING on the internet

contrary to popular belief, not EVERYTHING one wants or wants to know about can be found on the internet!!!!!

case in point.......

I would like to re-arrange our bedroom and place our bed angled out from the corner. Now, we do not at present, have any sort of headboard so having the bed kitty-cornered will present a problem such as pillows falling off etc. So, I figured I would look for a corner headboard - must be able to find one on the net. WRONG!!!!! although there were many sneaky links like or find 10,000 corner headboards at that would lead one to believe that one was hot on the trail of what one was looking for!!!

so, then I figured Rick could build me one out of plywood and stain it - sounds simple - I want a simple corner shaped headboard with maybe one level of bookcase. There are a million woodworking plans and, again in spite of misleading links, not one freaking one of them has a plan for a corner-shaped headboard!!!

A colossal waste of time - with many side ventures into things like "viking" headboards - big disappointment, I might add - just because you cut out viking shaped thingy and put in on the bed doesn't make it "viking" headboard.

I finally got the best advise (after an hour or so of surfing) on how to decorate BEHIND a corner placed bed. Seems the best thing to do is to put a straight headboard across the corner and then a corner bookcase behind it. Might just be the way to go........

So, today was a busy enough day with a trip to Calabogie Lake for 10:30 a.m. (I have a lovely house on the lake listed) for a showing and then an open house in Renfrew. The couple who wanted to see the house in Calabogie (second showing btw) called me last night around 9 p.m. and wanted to see it this morning at 10 a.m. They actually got snippy when I mentioned I might not be able to do it in the morning. Apparently, if they couldn't see it this morning, they were "busy for the next week or so..." give me a break! Oh yeah, they showed up 1/2 hour late

Jamie turns 28 today - thanks to all who send him b-day wishes - I've passed them along to him via text messaging (which I love - will need a better texting cell phone soon).
Kris is into paint-balling big time lately. Rick spotted a good deal on KiJiJi for one and Kris couldn't get in to Ottawa fast enough to buy it. (turns out the guy was selling the gun because his son took it and blasted a couple of houses and the cops brought him home - whoops - one paintball gun for sale!!) anyway Kris and his buddies are having a great time running around the bush whacking each other with paintballs. sounds like fun, huh?

Picture today is one of Jamie taken last year

Monday, June 7, 2010

new email address

Well, we've finally gone high-speed!!! Last week we purchased a Rogers "hub" that will give us wireless high-speed internet service! This is a HUGE improvement from our dial-up service provider, NRTCO, that we have been using for the past 14-15 years. (which makes we wonder what we did for entertainment 14-15 years ago!!!!!) Hard to believe we've been on the net that long!

ANYWAY, going with this Rogers system will allow us to dump the 2nd phone line ($25/month) and our internet service provider, NRTCO, ($25/month) for the hub, at at cost of $35 a month - so sort of a no-brainer, wasn't it? cheaper and FASTER! wheeeee - now we can waste time watching stupid You Tube videos like everyone else!

However, this means after 15 years, a new email address - which is: (remember to copy and paste this in your address book, kids)

And changing one's email account is a HUGE deal - translate "huge deal" to pain in the ass!!!!!

Other than that, we've been quite busy with real estate - here's a sample weekend for those who think we hang a sign on a house and then sit around and wait for the cash to roll in. (and I have had people say that to me)
My Saturday schedule consisted of a 10 a.m. appointment in Matawatchan - about a one and a half hour drive from Renfrew - then a 2:00 p.m. Open House back in Renfrew and then a showing on a house in Calabogie area (about 1/2 way back to Matawatchan) at 6 p.m. All arranged, planned & set up.

At 9 o'clock Friday, I received a call cancelling the appointment in Matawatchan - so just the Open House and my showing at 6. As I pull into the house in Calabogie at 6:00 p.m., my cell phone rings - its the couple calling about the showing at 6 - they're still in freaking Ottawa!!!

Some days are like that! Actually many days are like that. One just has to have enough good days to balance it out - and I generally have good days.

A few days ago, a gal at the office gave me a short story about her grandmother who passed away 3 years ago. A local author had written about her grandmother just before she died and it certainly makes one realize that we really are just a couple of generations removed from a completely different way of life. Here are some of the things I remember about this woman's life....

Ethel Sullivan was from Ireland - she came to Canada got married and settled in the Chapeau area. She lived the rest of her life in a small clapboard house that had no hydro or running water until the late 50's and never had any heat other that a wood stove in the kitchen. She had 19 sons in 20 years. During the second world war, a local priest gave her a $5 battery operated radio so she could listen every night for the list of Canadians killed in the war so she would know if one of her sons had died. One year,the village donated 6 sets of clothes to her family, which meant 6 of the boys could go to school - they traded the clothes back and forth so they could all get a turn at school. Breakfast every morning was porridge - lunch was cold porridge between two slices of bread. She lived in that house, raised her boys (mostly on her own and taking care of one son who would never be able to live on his own until she was in her late 80's. When she was asked about the 19 sons in 20 years she said her husband worked away from home in the bush and he came home once a year to "apologize".

I thought it was a neat story and now I think about Ethel Sullivan when I eat my cholesterol-reducing oatmeal/porridge for breakfast!

Today's picture is a neat moth Rick saw yesterday and some ducks on Calabogie Lake. (you might have to enlarge the picture to find the ducks!!!)

p.s. don't forget the email address thing - we'll be cancelling our account with NRTCO in a month or so

Monday, May 24, 2010

hot hot hot!!!

We're still in a bit of a hot spell. All a/c's are installed and working well! The portable one we picked up the other night is doing a very good job - but really not incredibley "portable" It has to stay near a window (much like a window unit) and unlike a window unit which can drain the water outside, this one requires a container for the water to drain into. But, it does do a good job - is much larger than our old unit and hopefully a bit more energy efficient!

Kris's room over the kitchen was getting quite warm, so he and Rick installed a small window unit to keep that room cool. Which means, of course, that the heating pad under the lizard lair must be kept going so the lizards don't get to cold. So, we're basically heating and cooling the same room.... hmmmmmmm

The baby lizard didn't make it, by the way. Kris was giving him baby food, but this didn't seem to be what he wanted (really?????) Anyway, the little guy passed on to lizard heaven last week. I believe he's buried out back somewhere

We made a quick trip of to Centennial Lake yesterday to put up some signs - glad we went yesterday - it was cloudy and not quite so warm as today. We've quite enjoyed our quiet day inside today. We did make a quick trip to Giant Tiger in Quebec this afternoon - the only store open as Quebec doesn't celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. We noticed going over the bridge that the water levels were quite low. It has been a while since we have had any significant rainfall and none in the forecast either.

today's picture - not a great one - but a large cultivated field in near Shawville looking very dry & one of Buddy having a nap

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rick's sick!

So far the weather this weekend is wonderful! Sunny, warm & a nice breeze

Our plan was to head up to Centennial Lake to put some signs on a lot I listed the other day - but Rick seems to have the nasty cold I had when Pam and Terry were visiting and since Rick is the one who has to drive AND is the one who puts up the signs (I'm mainly around for the drive) we decided to put it off until tomorrow or Monday if he's feeling better. Besides Centennial Lake is about an hour from home so, it would be nice if he was feeling better so at least the drive would be enjoyable!

Unfortunately, we won't be able to take the Mustang as there are some very nasty dirt "cottage" roads - might take the truck in fact - that's kinda fun too! Not looking forward to the bugs though. Last week we went up to check out the lot, and I got several nasty black fly bites. Horrible little things! don't like bugs!

We did pop up to Home Depot last night and picked up a really good deal on a portable air conditioner. We have 2 older model window air conditioners, but it was time to replace at least one of them. Home Depot had a portable one that was last year's model so quite cheap. Don't know if it is actually better than the window one, but it is a larger unit and hopefully, since 10 year's newer a bit more energy efficient.

The plan for today is for Rick to stay quiet - for me to avoid his germs and enjoy the day!

Picture today is of Centennial Lake & Dixie the German Shepherd. Dixie lives up at Centennial Lake and the bugs don't seem to bother her a bit

Sunday, May 9, 2010

rain & hail & snow - OH MY!!!

Crazy weather for middle of May! Last night it snowed and rained and very high winds! We had a nice cozy fire going all day and have one again today.

Mother's day today and Kris gave me 2 nice bunches of cut flowers - very nice! Jamie (& girlfriend, Julie) are expected later this afternoon. I made a nice low-cal cheese cake for dessert (low-cal - HA!!!) and we're making a one dish supper of manicotti & salad. Should be good!

Looking forward to seeing Jamie - we don't see him nearly as often as we would like - I expect to hear some "venting" today about work - he called last week to say how sick and tired he is of the Canadian Tire garage he works in. I expect he will move on soon. He would like to work in a garage where they work on high-performace cars, but those jobs are hard to come by & he is still a just a level 2 mechanic. It'll come though, Jamie always lands on his feet!

Today's picture, is of the flowers Kris gave me for mother's day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

okay, okay----it's been a while

I admit, I've been terrible lately to keep up this blog. LAST weekend I had a nasty cold - which UNFORTUNATELY coincided with a once-or-twice yearly visit with our friends Pam and Terry. It was absolutely wonderful to see them and have a nice long visit even if I was under the weather.

Cold is pretty well gone now - it really stayed a chest cold and sore throat - I never really got a stuffy head. Anyway, certainly glad I'm over it! Rick had a couple of rough days, but nothing serious - no fair!

Been busy lately too - I've listed 3 properties in the last week which might just be the most I have listed in such a short period of time.

A really neat one I listed today is in Eganville - an old train station buildin in 1897. Up until 1980, it was still being used by CN Railway, but now is simply a really cool house! 14' ceilings - lots of wood and original features (including a "coffin room" where they used to keep put the coffins while waiting for the train. Anyway, a really neat historical home that has been well restored, but not overly modernized. Kitchen still has the ticket windows!

They are also cat lovers and have build a cat house and cat enclosure outside to keep the cats safe & the birds too! It's a good idea, and I suppose if we ever moved to a busy street, we might just do the same thing.

Todays picture - the catery! & the train station