w0w - I just realized I haven't posted for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time and figure I better get to it or people will just stop checking it.
We are certainly giving our emergency department a lot of business lately. Last week Jamie was in for about 4 days with stomach issues. His girlfriend Julie brought him out here last Monday because he was so sick and so weak he was barely able to stand up. The nurses immediately popped him on a gurney and started him on an IV. He was admitted about 4 a.m. and in the morning our local surgeon did a scope on his stomach which revealed a small tear in the stomach lining. Not much to be done but let it heal - not a chronic thing, but he had lost so much blood (being sick) over a couple of days they gave him a blood transfusion on Wednesday.
Anyway, he was released on Thursday and spent the long weekend getting back on his feet - and is back to normal now. A little stressful though - he didn't much care for being in a hospital!
Then this morning, Rick was putting out the garbage and cut his hand on a small piece of metal and so we were back in emerg. for stitches for him. We're getting to be on a first name basis with the nurses!
Thanks to all for Rick's B-day wishes. We didn't do anything exciting - went up to Pembroke for a drive and went to Burger King - Rick had been drooling for a Whopper. I planned on getting a salad, but when I got up to the counter, somehow the words - "Texas steak burger" popped out of my mouth instead! Hahahaha! funny how that happens!
Actually, we rarely eat out - not sure why, but we rarely do. And, as we were eating our Burger King burgers yesterday, we both admitted that our own home-cooked burgers were just as good. I do have a serious Timmy's tea habit, that I am trying to cut back!
I hear Hydro rates are going up (again) we heat with electricity - so this is always a bit of a worry and we just got word from our municipality that our water rates are going up to around $100 a month. We currently pay around $40 a month but that's not enough to cover the cost of the new pump house building & chain link fence and the cost of testing the water everyday that the M.O.E. says we have to do. Everyone's freaking out, but what are you gonna do?
Not much else new - we were over at Bill and Andrea's last week for the NASCAR race (my driver still sucks) and had Bill's to-die-for ribs and Andrea's super potato salad. Had a great time - race was a night race and was quite late when we got home.
Don't know if I mentioned before, but Rick is going for his real estate license and is halfway through the second of 3 courses he must complete before getting his license. He sailed through the first course (taken on-line) with a final mark of 94% - very good! We plan to work together as a team and I think Rick's quite looking forward to it. The hours are good - even though one does work evenings and weekends sometimes - but that just means one takes days off during the week!
well, hell - this has been a long post - that's what happens when I get lazy about posting. I don't think I even have any new pictures! Will try to post on a more regular basis!
5 years ago
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