Wednesday, July 7, 2010

holy heat wave, Batman!!!!

As everyone in the area knows - it's been really freakin' hot lately! Our house is fairly cool - with the use of 3 window a/c's. I would prefer central air, but not having a central heating system in the house means we use window units. And I wouldn't be without them!

Tonight we had to run back into town - I had a showing booked for 7:30 - so we took the Pony, but ran the a/c on our feet cuz it was so hot!

Kris has been complaining about the heat - I told him that, that's what you get for wanting an "outdoorsey" job - WEATHER! freeze your tail off in the winter and roast in the summer!

Jamie says his new job "rocks" - it would appear that he made a good move from Crappy Tire to this new place. His girlfriend's parents have a cottage on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river and I'm guessing Jamie and Julie are spending evenings there on the water - not a bad life!

speaking of water - I have a great 2 bedroom house on Calabogie lake for sale if anyone is interested..... Calabogie is generally a busy market, but not this year! I do think that the HST has created a number of serious misconceptions among homebuyers. Many think HST will be charged on resale homes and I had one lady tell me that she thought it meant our commissions were jumping to 13% (I wish.....) so, I wonder if that is keeping people from buying, cause, the bank rates are super low and should be helping things along. I know many of you reading this will remember interest rates in the low - mid teens.

today's the thermometer at my office - this was taken around 6:15 p.m. and it was in the shade!

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