Saturday, August 1, 2009

I plan to update my blog several times a week - I don't think I can manage every day as does my brother-in-law, John, whose blog was the inspiration for my own.
John' also posts his blog incredibly early - does anyone actually gets up at 5 a.m.??? I quite imagine I will post near the end of the day.
So, bear with me as I enter a new phase of internet usage
First blog!
Today, being one of the first days with no rain in the forecast, seemed like a good day to take off in the Mustang for a nice drive with the top down. We went up to Pembroke for a quick stop in Home Depot (Rick got a new sander) and then on to Eganville through to Renfrew for a quick stop at Wal-Mart for cat-food and then home. Nice drive - nice day. A/C's went one when we got home!
When we got home Rick tried out his sander and pronounced it a "good buy" at $139!! Having pretty well wrapped up a home reno project of a spare bedroom and ensuite, Rick is now tackling Kris's old bedroom (Kris having moved into the newly reno-ed spare room) This will involve lifting the carpet (of unknown age) and re-finishing the original hardwood floors and then the requisite painting of the walls. Should not take as long as the last room as there is no ensuite - but the room is quite large and most of Kris's "stuff" is still in it!
Today's picture is of 3 of our 5 cats - very unusual to see 3 together as they really don't get along! Max is the large tabby on the left, Tigger the long hair grey & white on the right and one of our newest cats, Nibbles in the front. Nibbles is by far the busiest cat we've ever had and also "talks" more than any of the others. (and YES, they are lieing on the dining room table - I've talked to them about that, but they don't seem to listen!!!)

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