Friday, December 17, 2010

busy day

We had planned to drive in to Ottawa today to hit IKEA and a couple of other stores, but still feeling the lingering effects of our colds, we decided to just do Renfrew and call it a day.

We did pretty well finish off our shopping - we may not bother with a trip to Ottawa afterall. And feeling a bit better in the afternoon, we made a batch of traditional, christmas meat pies using Rick's mom's recipe. We have altered it a bit over the years to suit our tastes, but it remains pretty much the same and the smell of allspice and cloves is definitely "Christmas-y"

We got a bit more snow today and while the main roads are good, the secondary roads are still icy and slushy. Tomorrow should be a bit warmer and that should help clear up the roads.

Today, after much consideration, I ordered myself a Kindle - an e-reader from Amazon. Like so many techy gadgets, the hardest part is trying to decide which e-reader to buy. Remember the VHS vs. Beta wars??? While Beta was by far the better quality the fact the more movies were put out on VHS, pretty well killed the Beta machines.

There are several e-readers - KOBO (canadian version from Chapters), Sony e-reader, Barnes & Noble have one. but, I figured Amazon would have access to the most books, so I went with it - and cheapest at $139.

One of the main reasons I decided to get an e-reader is because there isn't a book store in town and Wal-Mart has pretty well stopped selling paperbacks altogether. And I can download a book for 2 or 3 dollars less than buying a paperback. Other good points - the font can be adjusted and it lights up so good for reading in bed. anyway, I'll give it a try although, I'm sure it will take some getting used to.

Today's picture - our meat pies!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patty
    I have a friend who is a vicious reader. She bought a Kindle last summer and loves it. She almost always has it with her.
    Enjoy, john
