Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another quiet day - not much happening in the area. We have deliberately stayed away from the post Christmas craziness in the stores. Guess we will have to venture out sooner or later. As mentioned yesterday the weather isn't great. Today wasn't so bad, but around 4 o'clock the fog really rolled in.

We are having a bad time with Max, our oldest cat - he as started spraying (although neutered) in the house. We had thought it was because we had a stray cat camping out in our garage, but the stray disappeared well over a month ago - he would often take off for several days, and one day he simply didn't come back.

Anyway, we had hoped that would de-stressify Max and (as noted in previous posts) at the vet's recomendation, we started spraying some pheronomes around the house and that was to calm him as well. And we try to NOT scold him about spraying and instead, we give him extra attention.

NOTHING has made ANY difference and in fact, he is getting worse! So, we are having serious discussions about his future. He's too old to be adopted and we can't give him away with his little "problem" so things are not looking good for poor ol' Max.

On a lighter note, Jamie gave me Scrabble for my Nintendo DS and I've been playing it - a LOT!! I always liked playing Scrabble, so this is a blast!

However, we MUST get out for a while, so as soon as I finish this, Rick and I are going out for a long walk.

Today's pictures I took today - just the snow on the trees - always pretty. And just as the sun was going down, it sort of turned the sky pink and I tried to get a shot of it.

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