Sunday, January 23, 2011


sure is cold - minus 30 already and it's only 10 o'clock at night!!!! The cats have finally accepted the fact that it is just way too cold to go out. For the past day or two they've gone out only to run back in within 2 minutes - today they didn't even go near the front door!

And we're looking after our little outdoor friends too in this cold weather. I ran out of suet for the birds this afternoon - so I made some out of peanut butter and bacon fat (sorry birdies if your cholesterol goes up because of the bacon fat) and bird seed. Anyway they seemed to like it. Also Chris has been putting deer food out for the deer.

Yesterday was a busy day - Rick and I showed a bunch of houses from Braeside to Beachburg, So, today it was kind of nice to stay home and just relax.

So far so good with my Kindle - Rick's already read a book on it. It would have been $17 plus shipping if I had ordered the actual book through Amazon,but only $7 for the Kindle book and I had it in about 30 seconds - most impressive! I think I need some Kindle accessories though - I could use a book light for night time reading and probably a case or something to protect the screen.

Todays picture is an from last winter -Nibbles thinks she's a gopher!

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